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Galina Hasanova, a recent graduate holding BFA in Illustration and Graphic Design, arrives with a diverse set of skills and a vibrant portfolio. She looks forward to collaborating with fellow creative minds that resonates with her own.

Born from Turkmenistan, Galina is a dedicated artist actively pursuing her dreams while facing challenges with enthusiasm to contribute positively to the world through her diverse artistic disciplines.


With a strong educational foundation culminating in her Bachelor's and Associate’s degrees, she is now seeking opportunities to further her artistic education through graduate studies, full-time work, or internships.


Fluent in Turkmen, Russian, and English, her multilingual background enhances her cultural understanding and artistic experiences. Her passion for art comes from her childhood and has evolved into a deep interest in visual storytelling, graphic design, and animation.


Immersing herself in artworks across various media, absorbing narratives from animated films, and exploring production techniques fuel her creative drive. Galina is excited to pursue her dream of studying abroad and collaborating with fellow artists and creators from diverse backgrounds worldwide.

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